CV Caspar van der Wal

Caspar van der Wal

Narrative CV

Caspar van der Wal (Netherlands, 1971) obtained his PhD degree in 2001, in the group of Prof. Hans Mooij at Delft University of Technology for research on quantum coherent dynamics of superconducting circuits. This was followed by a postdoc position of two years in the labs of Prof. Misha Lukin and Dr. Ron Walsworth at Harvard University (USA), where he did research on quantum optics with atomic vapors. At the end of 2003, he started working as an assistant professor at the University of Groningen in the Physics of Nanodevices Group. In 2009, he obtained here a permanent position as associate professor in Physics of Quantum Devices, which became a full professor position in 2015. The research of his team focuses on exploring spintronic and quantum information functionalities with electron spins and nuclear spins in semiconductor devices, using both quantum optical methods and electron transport methods. For his current research he obtained the NWO-Vidi Grant (2005) and the ERC Starting Grant (2011). For his teaching in Physics and the Nanoscience Top Master he received teaching awards in 2012 and 2015. For the years 2016-2022 he was scientific director of the Zernike Institute for Advanced Materials. Further information can be found at


and status
Prof. dr. ir. Caspar Heimen van der Wal
Born 6 Feb. 1971 (Hengelo (O.), the Netherlands)
Married to Annet Jantien Smit, father of Marg (2003) and Amke (2006)
Nationality Dutch
Contact address Caspar H. van der Wal
Zernike Institute for Advanced Materials
University of Groningen
Nijenborgh 3 (Feringa Building)
NL-9747AG   Groningen
The Netherlands
Phone +(31) 50 363 4555
Fax +(31) 50 363 4879
Email c.h.van.der.wal[AT]
Skype caspar.van.der.wal

Academic background and distinctions

For my scientific output see Publications
Currently, since 2009 Full professor (associate professor till 2015) in Physics of Quantum Devices (tenured and ius promovendi per May 2009, subgroup embedded in Physics of Nanodevices Group) Zernike Institute for Advanced Materials, Faculty of Science and Engineering, University of Groningen
[Education mostly associated with (Applied) Physics and Nanoscience]
2016-2022 Scientific Director of the Zernike Institute for Advanced Materials
2015 Teacher of the year in the area of all (Applied) Physics teaching, University of Groningen (for the 2014-2015 course Quantum Physics 1)
2012-2013 Visiting Scientist at the MIT Research Laboratory of Electronics (USA) (part-time sabbatical)
2012 Recipient of the Education Prize of the Department of Mathematics and Natural Sciences
University of Groningen (for applying Peer Instruction in teaching Quantum Physics)
2011 Recipient of ERC Starting Grant (5-year personal grant, 1.5 MEuro)
2010-2016 Educational program director/Chair of the TopMaster Program in NanoScience of the Zernike Institute for Advanced Materials (per 1-11-2010 till 31-12-2016)
2005 Recipient of NWO-Vidi award
2004-2009 Assistant professor in the Physics of Nanodevices Group, Zernike Institute for Advanced Materials
and Department of Physics and Applied Physics
University of Groningen
2001-2003 Postdoctoral research at Harvard University (USA)
Quantum Optics Groups of Prof. Misha Lukin and Dr. Ron Walsworth
2001 Recipient of NWO-Talent award
1997-2001 Ph.D. research at Delft University of Technology
Quantum Transport Group of Prof. Hans Mooij
Ph.D. thesis on Quantum Superpositions of Persistent Josephson Currents
Ph.D. degree obtained 24 Sept. 2001, Cum Laude (highest honors)
1996 Student research internship at Stanford University (USA), Quantum Optics and Mesoscopic Physics Group of Prof. Y. Yamamoto
1990-1996 M.Sc. degree in Applied Physics at Delft University of Technology, final project in the Quantum Transport Group of Prof. Hans Mooij
1989-1990 NACEE-Fulbright scholarship for one year study at Slippery Rock University (USA)
1983-1989 Highschool (VWO-B) at O.S.G. Bataafse Kamp (Hengelo O.)