Yearly checks and maintenance lists
This list contains checks that need to be performed twice a year after summer/winter holiday
Some points are for both labs 144 and 237, some for a specific lab. [Will be specified..]
- Refresh cooling water of laser cooling
(Use demiwater, not Coherent cooling fluid) - Vacuum clean the laserlabs
- Check Hepa air inlet filters on the cabinet around optical tables
- Check airconditioning performance and remove dust in in- and outlets
- Batteries ‘low noise preamplifier’
- Batteries oxygen sensor
- Check that all laser protection glasses are present at the right labs:
- Lab 144:
- Lab 237:
- 1 x glasses dualband, 700-1000 OD 6, 532 OD 7
- 1 x goggles dualband, 700-1000 OD 6, 532 OD 7
- 2 x glasses against infrared, 700-1000 OD 6
- 2 x glasses against green, 532 OD 7
- Remove/Store unused cables/boxes/tools/optics/etc from the labs
- Check if all measurement data is back-uped on Y:\
- Oil level in dilfridge pumps
- Oil level in central 1k pot pump
- Update CMI contact lists (emergency contact lists at lab entrances) and communicate this to security
- Update names on door labels.
- Check if light that says ‘Laser ON’ at entrance works.
- Check/update labels with laser descriptions on lab door.