PhD theses

PhD theses from the Physics of Quantum Devices team

14. Vanadium color centers in silicon carbide for quantum-telecommunication in the O-Band
PhD thesis of Joop Hendriks (defended on 31 May 2024).
Event info:
PhD thesis and propositions as pdf:
13. Charge and spin dynamics in two-dimensional semiconductors
[collaboration, main supervision by Prof. M. Guimaraes (Groningen) and Prof. P. Guimaraes (UFMG, Brazil)]
PhD thesis of Rafael R. Rojas Lopez (defended 3 Oct. 2023).
pdf file; doi (open access);
The propositions belonging to this PhD thesis; pdf file.
RUG announcement.
12. Optically addressable spins in silicon carbide and related 2D materials:
the role of symmetry and spin-orbit coupling

PhD thesis of Carmem M. Gilardoni (defended 3 Dec. 2021, Cum Laude [highest distinction]).
pdf file; doi (open access);
The propositions belonging to this PhD thesis; pdf file.
RUG announcement.
11. Spin-active color centers in SiC for telecom-compatible quantum technologies
PhD thesis of Tom Bosma (defended 19 Feb. 2021).
pdf file; doi (open access).
The propositions belonging to this PhD thesis; pdf file.
RUG announcement.
10. Connecting chirality and spin in electronic devices
PhD thesis of Xu Yang (defended 18 Sept. 2020)
pdf file; doi access.
The propositions belonging to this PhD thesis; pdf file.
RUG announcement.
9. Optical preparation and detection of spin coherence in molecules and crystal defects
PhD thesis of Gerjan [G.J.J.] Lof (defended 10 Jan. 2020)
pdf file; doi access.
The propositions belonging to this PhD thesis; pdf file.
RUG announcement.
8. Electromagnetically induced transparency with localized impurity electron spins in a semiconductor
PhD thesis of Alok (U.) Chaubal (defended 16 Feb. 2018)
pdf file; open access.
The propositions belonging to this PhD thesis; pdf file.
7. Two-laser spectroscopy and coherent manipulation of color-center spin ensembles in silicon carbide
PhD thesis of Olger V. Zwier (defended 23 Sept. 2016)
pdf file; open access.
The propositions belonging to this PhD thesis; pdf file.
6. Optically addressing semiconductor electron-spin ensembles with tunable nuclear-spin environments
PhD thesis of Jakko P. de Jong (defended 16 Sept. 2016)
pdf file; open access.
The propositions belonging to this PhD thesis; pdf file.
5. Optical control of mesoscopic spin ensembles in gallium arsenide
PhD thesis of A. R. (Sander) Onur (defended 23 October 2015)
pdf file; open access.
The propositions belonging to this PhD thesis; pdf file.
4. Electron many-body effects in quantum point contacts
PhD thesis of M. J. (Javaid) Iqbal (defended 13 July 2012)
pdf file; open access.
The propositions belonging to this PhD thesis; pdf file.
3. Coherent control of electron spin dynamics in nano-engineered semiconductor structures
PhD thesis of Sergii Z. Denega (defended 3 Oct. 2011)
pdf file; open access.
The propositions belonging to this PhD thesis; pdf file.
2. Quantum optical control of donor-bound electron spins in GaAs
PhD thesis of Maksym Sladkov (defended 11 Feb. 2011)
pdf file; open access.
The propositions belonging to this PhD thesis; pdf file.
1. Electron spin transport in quantum dots and point contacts
PhD thesis of Erik J. Koop (defended 12 Sept. 2008)
pdf file; open access.
The propositions belonging to this PhD thesis; pdf file.

Follow this link to download the PhD thesis of Caspar H. van der Wal (Delft University of Technology, defended 24 Sept. 2001).